Entitled to Wisdom
The word "Entitlement" was on my mind in January. Possibly because, as parents, we are trying to rid our children of this ugly attitude which comes from living in an age of bounteous offerings. An article in January's Ensign prompted additional thought and led me to choose this topic as a blog entry. Well, while working through my thoughts and readings my Hubby and I were asked to speak in church. So here is the result of my preparation: We live in a world of information overload. Not only is information plentiful, it increasingly gets easier and easier to obtain it. In fact, if the information that I am seeking doesn't load as fast as I think it should, then I may tend to get a little frustrated. If you can relate, then maybe I am not the only one who has lost the admiration and awe of this technological informational world and replaced it with more of an expectation instead. A personal example, one day while finishing up one of my many taxi days as a mom, I received...