"If we acknowledge Him now, He will lovingly acknowledge and gladly admit us then!”
I have come to the part in the Book of Mormon where a reversal of roles has taken place. Those people(the Lamanites) that had once been taught, now become the teachers. Many of the Nephites had become prideful and ignored their own prophets, so the Lord sent a Lamanite prophet, Samuel, to warn them to repent and prepare for the coming of the Lord. The Nephites didn't like what Samuel had to tell them. A miracle was brought about as Samuel was divinely protected from the arrows of the angry Nephites. In thinking about these chapters I am amazed at how a righteous people, in a matter of a few short years, had come to a wicked state as to seek the death of a servant and prophet of the Lord. How can we protect ourselves from falling prey to the destruction that comes when we are stuck in the pride cycle as described in the chapters of Helaman? One of Samuel's purposes of teaching the Nephites was to remind them of the coming of Christ. Why would teaching about the Savior, Jesus Christ, be of such worth as to risk the consequences of facing an angry mob? Samuel knew of the spiritual protection that comes from such knowledge.
President James E. Faust discussed the value of knowing that one day we will stand before the Savior to account for our lives: “I recall a study some years ago that was made to determine what influences keep young people moving on the straight and narrow track. Of course there were several critical influences. All were important. They included the influence of parents, priesthood advisers, Young Women advisers, Scoutmasters, and peer association. But I was surprised to find that one golden thread of singular importance ran through this study. It was the belief that one day each of us would have to account for our actions to the Lord. Many believed that ‘the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name’. [2 Nephi 9:41]
Those who had an eternal perspective had an extra amount of spiritual strength and resolve. Feeling a personal accountability to the Savior for our actions and stewardships and responding to it provide a profound spiritual protection” (“Who Do You Think You Are?” New Era, Mar. 2001, 6–7).
I have felt this truth confirmed in my own life. Keeping Christ in the forefront of my life, as my foundation in life, has kept me safe from the arrows of the adversary that threaten all of us. I know we will be safe as we allow the Savior to rescue each of us, all we need do is learn of Him and remember Him.

First off I want to say how much I love the title of this blog. “One Step at a Time” has been a theme that I’ve been living by for the last while to keep me going forward in the Gospel. My wife of eight years has been struggling with depression for a long time, and recently she has been distancing herself away from the church which has been really hard. Without taking things one step at a time and one day at a time I can see how things could have overwhelmed me to the point of suffocation with the uncertainty of our future.
ReplyDeleteWhen I read the quote you posted by President Faust “Those who had an eternal perspective had an extra amount of spiritual strength and resolve.” I felt a stronger sense of duty to remember who I am, where I came from, and where I want to go after this life. I try to have this eternal perspective in my life and it has really helped me deal with some difficult situations, humbling me to keep my thoughts and actions in harmony with what God would want me to do.
Having an eternal perspective really affects our priorities and our actions. I have watched my brother and his family fall apart after his wife passed away several months ago, eventually causing them to fall away from the church. They didn’t have an eternal perspective. The pain our family felt from this loss and separation from the gospel was deep, but the Holy Spirit was there to comfort and gave us the knowledge that we would be reunited with those we have lost in the end.
It is through that eternal perspective that really gives us that extra amount of spiritual strength and resolve. If we truly believe that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life, then we must decide if we will believe in Him and allow Him to heal and direct us through this world. If we find ourselves in an awkward situation – like I always do- and we act like Jesus would instead of like the world does, we are a witness to the ways of God and that eternal perspective is magnified. When people say, "I don't understand how you can act that way," we can say, "It’s because my Lord forgives me and He enables me to forgive, even when I have been wronged.”
When our actions reflect our belief in an Eternal Father in Heaven we show our faithfulness and obedience to Him. He entrusts us with great opportunities to serve and be witnesses of Him as we deal with the problems in our own life or in the lives of others and gives us that extra strength and resolve from having that eternal perspective. Thanks.
Thank you for your added insight and witness of the strength that comes from keeping an eternal perspective. Remembering who we are spiritually definitely plays a key role in keeping that perspective. You have strength and much goodness in you. May you be blessed as you continue to walk the path God has given you.