
Being a mother of teenagers, I am introduced to many things that I otherwise may not have found interesting, or on my own. One of which is music. My playlist is getting quite diverse since my daughter has learned that I have a weakness for good music. All she needs say is "Mom, I found this song, you should listen to it...and then buy it." She has learned that if the message is good, I generally don't hesitate to click the 'buy' button. Yesterday she introduced me to one such song.(see link below)
I don't know the artist's reasoning and vision behind the lyrics, but I felt that it was singing about love, hope, and helping one another through the battles of life. In short, it sings of friendship.
Since I am limited in my talent abilities to sing, or create through works of art when I am inspired, I will take the feelings I felt while listening and try to convey those ideas into words.
Joseph Smith gave us a glimpse of his measure of friendship when he said, “If my life is of no value to my friends, it is of none to myself”(HC 6:549). The Savior said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”(John 15:13).
When Robert Louis Stevenson was asked the secret of his radiant, useful life, he responded simply, “I had a friend.”1
Friendship plays a very important role in each of our lives. A friend lifts the heavy heart, says the encouraging word, and assists in supplying our daily needs. Elder Richard G. Scott says, “Be a true friend. This kind of enduring friendship is like asphalt that fills the potholes of life and makes the journey smoother and more pleasant.” 2
Parents provide a foundation for who we will become. A loving God and Savior make it possible for us to realize our earthly, and eternal potential. Next to those profoundly influential personages is that of the influence of friendship.
Friendship touches almost every aspect of our lives. It affects our work, our parenting, our community service, our church service, our family relationships. No wonder we counsel our youth to choose their friends wisely. Friends have a profound affect on who they become as they learn and grow throughout their life.
Thinking back, my husband was first my friend long before he became my eternal companion. Perhaps it was a friend that first introduced you to your spouse. Perhaps it is a friend that helps keep you married to your spouse. Siblings are just siblings until a friendship is built between them. Think about what it is you want to find at the heart of each meaningful relationship: a friend, someone who will stand by you and be there for you when the need arises.
Friendship definitely plays an intricate part as we travel along this mortal journey. I have known many great, wonderful people and family relations that I feel privileged to call friends. They have helped shape me into who I am today. What is it then that makes friendship special, meaningful, and influential?
A friend gives the hope that “the best is yet to come” in whatever that may be, even if it means waiting until the eternities to receive it. That hope is an anchor to the soul and will touch our lives with light. Hope and light are a motivating force for good. In short, friendship make us feel good, even if only for a brief moment. When we feel good, then we do good. So, open your heart. Love those that come into your circle of influence, small or large, and help bring light and hope into this world.
This was a really cool post. I liked how uplifting your message was to read this morning. Did you forget your talent of music cause it wasn't mentioned. Jus sayin. What I really liked was how you made me think that I could be doing more to be a better friend. I have been really blessed to have been influenced by good friends and I hope that despite my very reserved personality I can be a good influence to my friends to "bring light and hope". Thank you for taking time to post:-) Also the song was pretty good but it made me think of friends and family members I have lost and that there is hope that I will be able to see them again on the other side. Like you and the song said "The best is yet to come".