I didn't stand in that line

The thoughts for this post began a while back, but since school started life has been full of PTA, homework, scouts, piano lessons, dance lessons and then the joyful Holiday season thrown in the muddle of everything. This is my shallow excuse for not choosing to drink in the teachings of the scriptures. My daily scripture reading has been more of something to check off the list, or get to tomorrow, or the next day. But with a new year comes new dedication. Truthfully I had thoughts of deleting this blog. My lack of "stick-to-it" has left many things undone and by the wayside along my walk of life. Each individual is blessed with certain gifts and talents. Let's just say that I didn't stand in the "stick-to-it" line in heaven when God was handing out talents. I loved this picture taken by my mother and thought it fit my thoughts this evening. It has my daughter and niece's shoe choice for the day. It was June and the sun was shining and it was snowing. Both were correct in their choice even though the choices were so different from each other. Like the shoes, each individual may choose which talents or gifts he/she will develope and help grow. There are still going to be things I give up on, but after a phone call from my dearest mother(who stumbled onto my blog, and may well be the ONLY person besides me to ever read it) I decided that this was not something I wanted to leave undone on the trail. So here is to 2012 and continuing on! May I learn somethings along the way.
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