Merry Christmas
Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart...
It is Christmas morning. No remaining details to be attended to. All is silent. The soft light from the Christmas tree casts a warm glow over all that it touches, including the picture that hangs over my fireplace of Mary and her precious child. I love this picture. How many times have I kissed my babes and many other babes in such a way(oh sweet pangs of time gone by, sniffle, sniffle).
I often think of Mary at this time of year. I try to imagine what she must have been like, her goodness, her depth of heart. Greeting a newborn into this earthly world always carries with it a portion of heavenly satisfaction. How great must have been Mary's joy to hold the precious infant Jesus! To know that He was partly hers and partly Heaven's gift to the world. I am filled with gratitude for such a woman as Mary. Through her goodness and the goodness of a loving Heavenly Father, I am blessed with a Savior, a brother, a friend, a guide on this earthly journey.
Just as Mary claims the Son of God as hers, we too can claim this heavenly gift of Jesus. For He truly is mine and He truly is yours. Through the Savior's purity and sacrifice we are saved. He has claimed us as His own. "...but all things are numbered unto me, for they are mine and I know them." (Moses 1:35) Do I hold my relationship with Jesus as close and tenderly as Mary holds her baby?
There is always more that I can do in this regard. I will always be in debt for the gift of the Son of God. These are not the details I wish to express tonight. Tonight, when all is calm, I felt moved like Mary to claim Jesus as my own. To declare that He was indeed born, He did indeed die for us, and He did indeed rise again. I do know and love the baby, the boy, the man Jesus. In all the business of the season the underlying meaning of this holiday will always remain close to my heart and like Mary, I will keep them there with a renewed commitment to pondering the truths, the meaning, and the direction given from Heaven.
Merry Christmas
Em, I stumbled onto your blog when I was looking up a recipe of your Mom's. This is amazing! I have been feeling that this is the one area in my life where I am suffering - true scripture study! You've definitely inspired me...with three little boys and teaching school full time, I'm SO tired and practically fall into bed each night, but this year I've decided that some things in my life needed to change. Besides the obvious - get fit/healthy, I've been longing for the spirit to be more present in my life! If you don't mind, I will be your one other follower - with your Mom of course!
Robynn! Hi! Three boys, wow that is busy alone. And teaching as well, you are amazing! Thanks for leaving a comment. I write when prompted but I don't promote my writings. I just hope that they are of use to someone besides myself. I too need to step it up on my spiritual upkeep. As you can see I have written more about the beginning of the Book of Mormon. Maybe I should start reading from the end this year, ha ha ha! Good to hear from you! Take care and happy mothering!