Day 2-An Unexpected View

I learned something from yesterday's experience. As I went through my day, naturally each person I encountered became a possibility for testifying to. Each interaction seemed to have more meaning to it as I prayed silently to know if they were the right person for the day. An unexpected softening of my heart was felt with each interaction and a new love was felt for that individual. I believe this new love was Christ's love, or as called in the scriptures, charity-the pure love of Christ. "...if a man be meek and lowly in heart, and confesses by the power of the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ, he must needs have charity; for if he have not charity he is nothing; wherefore he must needs have charity." (Moroni 7:44) I learned that Charity in conjunction with the listening to Holy Spirit is essential in following this personal challenge.
When the Spirit whispered which individual it was to be that I should testify to the nerves were still there, but the words to speak came a little easier. For a short moment, I viewed this individual as Christ viewed them. I saw them serving and doing works that Christ would do and so I told them and I expressed my gratitude for being part of that individual's life. It was short, it was uplifting to both of us, and it felt a little more natural than the day before.
Day 3....


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