My Gift to Jesus
This is my family. They are growing up way too fast for my liking. We have a tradition every year, on the first Monday of December we talk about the gift from our Heavenly Father of our Savior that came to earth as a baby that special night so long ago. We decide what each of us can do for the month as a gift to Jesus. Then we write it down and place it in a box and it becomes the first present under our tree every year and it is the last one left when all the giving has been done.
Through the years I have enjoyed listening to my kids choose what they want to give. Some choose simple things that can easily be accomplished, like giving a hug everyday. Some like to choose a gift that is more challenging, such as reading the scriptures on their own. We are not perfect in our accomplishment of each gift every year, but with diligence I hope to encourage faith in Jesus and a love for Him that will lift and sustain them as they grow and encounter challenges.
For my gift this year I have chosen to testify of Jesus Christ to someone everyday. To be completely honest, I am somewhat nervous about this gift. I like my comfort zone, very much, and I can't help but wonder if I will be prompted by the Spirit to testify at a time when it will require me to step out of that comfort zone. But I love my Savior more than my comfort zone. So I will press forward, seeking the Spirit as I do so, and hopefully through this process I will increase my understanding and love of who it is we celebrate at this time of year.
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