Take the Bait (Not a very fancy title, my dad is a fisherman so this is what comes to mind. Love you Pops!)

(Disclaimer: Please excuse any and all photos that have been taken with my phone. I am not a photographer in any way, nor do I have the patience to sit and edit pictures-that is my mother's talent ;)

This was the first year that all of my children stayed home during their Christmas break. Usually they are off to a cousin's or Grandma's, but not this year. It was so nice to all be home together with no piano or ballet or any of the other usual activities that keep me sitting in my car for endless hours. I truly enjoyed every minute. It seems my kids are growing faster all the time and I feel the time I have with them is slipping through my fingers. I am grateful for circumstances that kept us all together this year, right up until the New Year!
Which brings me to my post today. I love New Years! I love the whole Holiday season, from the gratitude that comes from Thanksgiving, to the month of focus on the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ, with a closing of it all in celebration of what is to come. I am always a little sad for it all to come to an end. However, just outside the sadness lies the luring sense of motivation and rededication that keeps me looking forward and wanting to make the best of what comes my way. After a little moment of mourning I take hold of the bait and begin to look at what actions I can take to do a little better in spirit, relationships and home. Generally all of what I want to accomplish falls into one of these three categories. (Keep life simple where possible, right?)
In choosing my resolutions I like to look to the most recent General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for direction from the prophets. I feel this is a good way to take the council they give and actually use it for good in my life. Usually one or two messages stand out above the rest and these are the ones I set as a theme for my New Year's resolutions. I figure that my Heavenly Father knows me best, He knows my potential and what He wants me to become, so I turn to Him for direction on what needs correcting in my life. This process has served me well in the past and helps me not to feel down on myself and all the things that I haven't done. Instead He lifts me and encourages me with love. I always feel His love when I am setting any resolution, New Year's or other. This is because God wants us to progress. He has much in store for all of His children. He has much to give. We just need to turn our hearts to Him and the rest will follow.
So take the bait. If it has been placed there by God, it will always lead to good.


  1. Such a lovely post by such a lovely person! Love you Em! Enjoyed the read! Great ideas! You're always an inspiration! ��


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